Broad Bean Delicatessen is committed to sustainable shopping. All of our loose weigh packaging is plastic-free, with the exception of our deli pots which are currently long-term reusable, recyclable plastic. 

 - Our coffee cups are biodegradable, or bring your own for 25p off your takeaway drink 

- Our cheese paper is compostable

- Our loose tea & coffee comes in reusable paper bags

- A lot of our dry produce (store cupboard essentials!) such as grains, flour, oats, dried fruit, nuts, seeds and rice can be purchased using your own tupperware, or our paper bags

- Dry beans and pulses that we bag up on-site are in compostable cellophane bags

- Our fresh soup is served in compostable pots (with a compostable spoon if you need one.)- We encourage customers to use their own bags, but can provide paper bags or boxes if you forget. We also sell reusable Broad Bean canvas shopping bags!